

All the contents on this site, including press release, are intended solely for the purpose of providing information related to D Capital Co., Ltd. and the funds managed or served by D Capital Co., Ltd, and does not constitute solicitation for specific transactions or acquisition of fund interests.

Privacy Policy

The company and all of its officers and employees will comply with the Act concerning the Protection of Personal Information, relevant laws and regulations, and the guidelines of the supervisory authorities, etc. The company sets forth the following basic policies:

  1. Any acquisition of personal information will be in compliance with laws and regulations. The company will endeavor to ensure that such personal information is kept correct and up-to-date to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use of such personal information and will endeavor to delete such personal information without delay when the use of such personal information by the company ceases to be necessary.
  2. Personal information will not be used beyond the scope necessary for achieving the purposes of use. No personal information shall be disclosed or provided to third parties without the consent of the individual, unless there are justifiable reasons including where such disclosure is required pursuant to laws and regulations.
  3. If any complaint is made regarding the handling of personal information, the company will quickly and appropriately investigate the facts and circumstances of the complaint and respond in a sincere manner.
  4. The company will provide thorough training for officers and employees to prevent the leakage or unauthorized use of personal information. In addition, the company will develop appropriate management systems for personal information and appoint a person responsible for management and inspections relating to personal information protection.
  5. If the company outsources the handling of personal information to an external contractor, the company will supervise the said external contractor to ensure the secure management of personal information by the said external contractor.
  6. All requests from individuals for the disclosure, correction, or discontinuance of use of personal information shall be processed in accordance with laws and regulations. In such cases, the requesting party may be required to pay a prescribed fee to the company.

Taking into account customers' opinions, the company shall continually review and improve its management system program concerning personal information protection.

Purposes of Using Personal Information

  1. To provide customers with information about the sale and purchase or intermediation, brokerage, or agency for sale and purchase, and self-offering or private placement in respect of collective investment scheme interests.
  2. To provide customers with information related to the execution of an investment advisory agreement.
  3. To determine whether it is appropriate to provide products and services in light of the principle of suitability, etc.
  4. To confirm the identity of customers or their representatives.
  5. To provide reports on transaction results, assets under management, and the like to customers.
  6. To pay distributions, etc. to customers.
  7. To conduct administrative operations related to transactions between customers and other trading parties.
  8. To exercise rights and perform obligations pursuant to contracts with customers and laws and regulations.
  9. To research and develop financial products and services by carrying out market surveys, data analyses, and preparing questionnaires.
  10. To manage outsourced operations appropriately, in cases where the handling of personal information in full or in part has been outsourced to other enterprises.
  11. In accordance with our personal information protection policy, personal information protection regulations, and laws and regulations, to provide personal information to third parties.
  12. In addition to the above, to carry out transactions adequately and smoothly with customers and other trading parties.

In accordance with laws and regulations, sensitive information will not be used or offered to any third party for purposes other than to properly conduct our business or for other purposes deemed necessary.

Security Control Measures

In addition to establishing this Privacy Policy to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, the company has implemented regulations regarding the handling of personal information, including the roles of responsible parties and responses to incidents such as data breaches. The company has appointed a Personal Information Management Officer and established organizational safety control measures, including the operation and system management in accordance with regulations on the handling of personal data. Furthermore, the company has implemented human safety control measures such as training on the handling of personal data, physical safety control measures such as managing access to the premises and proper management of personal data, and technical safety control measures such as access restrictions.

Additionally, when handling personal data in foreign countries, the company ensures that appropriate security control measures are implemented by understanding the personal information protection systems in the respective countries. For further details on the security control measures, please contact the Personal Information Consultation Desk below.

Procedures for Requests Concerning the Disclosure of Personal Information

The company will accept requests from individuals regarding the notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties concerning their personal information. For details on the specific procedures for making such requests, please contact the Personal Information Consultation Desk below.

Please note that for requests from individuals regarding the notification of the purpose of use or disclosure of personal information, a prescribed fee may be charged by the company.

Personal Information Consultation Desk

For inquiries or complaints regarding the purpose of use of personal information or other matters concerning personal information, please contact the Personal Information Consultation Desk (Compliance Department) at the address below.

D Capital, Inc.

Spline Aoyama Tokyu Building, 3-1-3 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062

You can use our Contact Form.

Name of the Personal Information Handling Business Operator

Name: D Capital, Inc.

Representatives: Jun Niki / Koichi Kibata / Naoto Umezu / Koji Shigemitsu

Address: Spline Aoyama Tokyu Building 3F, 3-1-3 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062